Wednesday 24 February 2010

Evaluation Questions

Who would be the audience for you media product?

The audience for our media product would be people of both genders aged around 18-35. We feel people of all classes would be able to watch and enjoy our film as it does not focus on one particular class. The main character Claire is of below middle class so the higher number of people in this class would enjoy our film much more. However, our film applies to basically anyone over 18 who enjoys horror movies.

By adding a combination from both of the Horror and Thriller genres, it appeals to a wider range of people also. The target audiences occupation does not need to be anything in particular, however some professions may not be encouraged to watch it such as: Religious professions, Teachers and More high paid jobs as these would mainly be people of a higher class that would probably not be interested in watching gory films.

Our film would mainly aim to students of both genders, research has shown us that students are more likely to watch horror films, and therefore would enjoy ours.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

After careful thinking and thorough research of the many types of film companies that we would need if our film was ever to be published. We have decided to release our film on the Internet on sites such as that would allow people to watch our film for free and be able to post their thoughts and rate it. We would only allow it to be available for a month or so, then after counting how many hits and the ratings we will then go forth in seeking a company that are interested in distributing our film.

Regarding that the film is popular, having hopes that it would be, we would contact film companies such as Twentieth Century Fox, Dimension Films and Studio Canal to see if they would distribute Psychosis.

We have chosen these three companies because: Twentieth Century Fox are one of the most popular film production companies in the world, this was the company that distributed Hide and Seek with Robert Di Nero and Dakota Fanning. We have chosen Dimension Films because again these are a popular company who produced the Scream Trilogy with Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox Arquette and David Arquette. Finally we have chosen Studio Canal because these are a popular British company which distributed the horror comedy Shaun of the Dead with Simon Pegg.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The repitiore of elements in normal horror films are usually something along the lines of a scary location, creepy music and fast shots. The idea is to keep the audience scared whether it being the use of props, costumes, characters, location, dialogue etc there are many ways in which film creators do this. The mise en scene is usually very predictable, you can usually make out who is going to die (if its a slasher horror) by the use of background (the props in the background) or even sometimes the use of focus of the camera, camera people do this to point out things without the use of dialogue. Normal horror films usually start with the same basic beginning, the settings are set in a normal place where there are common people about, this soon changes with a quick scene or scenes in which the plot is explained, it then goes about that the villain goes after the hero in a bid to kill them (Vladimir Propp).

In our film Psychosis, we used a different way of using the repitiore of elements, we used some very disturbing music to create a feeling of unease for the audience. We also used some horror props and by using no dialogue in our opening we created a sense of mystery as well.

The mise en scene in our film was not very predictable, we did not use any props in the background to give anything away, the only sort of thing we used was the focus of the camera to point out some things in which we wanted the audience to pick up. Our film Psychosis has a different beginning from your basic horror film. We used the main characters face alot in the start to make sure people realize this is the main character and that this is the one you should focus on. We also wanted people to try and understand that the character suffers a mental condition without any use of dialogue.

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