Friday 22 January 2010

Close-up shots within are film

Within are film Psychosis we used a variety of shots to help set a theme and add to the feel of a horror/thriller film, one of the most important shot within a horror is the close-up as it engages the audiences and creates tension within the horror/thriller genre.

We used many close-up and extreme close-ups within are film Psychosis. We decided to use this shot throughout are film as it emotionally engages the viewer which is important in a horror and thriller genre add encourages the viewer to focus on the characters feelings and thoughts.

The first few shots are of the female character in are film Psychosis. The first shots are very quick and set the scene showing who is within the film. There are a couple of extreme close ups of the eyes of the character, which show her emotion through her eyes (which are evil looking). The next two shots are close up and a mid-way shot showing the character sitting within its setting, and establishes.

The close ups used help to show an input into the character and makes us view the character as if we where in the thier mind. We used many close-up shots throughout the film we made. We where influenced by the use of this shot in other horror/thrillers, as it is used again and again throughout the horror scenes.

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