Friday 15 January 2010


Tzvetan Todrov is the well known Bulgarian structurelist whos influential work on narrative from the 1960's onwards has influenced structure of film to present day.

The todrov structure is a simple way to show how a film is made by its storyline. The begining of a todrov structure beggins with two equilibriums. These two equilibriums show the begining structure and two or more characters that start the begining of the film. The two equilibriums (normally two can be more) start with two aspects of the film, for example in are film 'psychosis' we start with the female character which is one equilibrium, but to find the other equilibrium we need to watch carefully trough the two minuites of film that is shown. The other equilibrium is shown in small shots of past images of the female character, being attacked, this shows the two equilibrium of are film meetin and creating the next part of the todrov structure, the disruption. The disruption is when the two equilibrium 'collide' and create a vital change to the storyline in any film. In are film the disruption can not be clearly shown because it is only the begining, but again by the use of the flashbacks we have used, the second equlibrium is the male character, and the disruption is created when he meets and attacks the female character. This disruption normally is not shown in the begining shots, but we found that showing these shots at the begining of are film, creates tension, and engages the audience to watch further to find out what is happening. The next part to the todrov structure is called the journey. This is basically the journey for which the character or characters have to take to find the final equilibrium. This journey is shown briefly in are short start of Psychosis, but the viewer would have to watch the whole film to clearly see the journey for which the character fortakes. The final part (which has been mentioned) is the final equilibrium. This is where the character ends at the of his/her film. This is the final destination after the journey and diruption. In are short film we are not able to see this final equilibrium, but by showing shorts clips of the character, the viewer can guess what the outcome of are film will be, but to find out what the final equilibrium of any film is the viewer would have to watch the whole film. Are film is too short to clearly show the whole structure of todrov, but by using some clips of the film to come, its structure can be shown.

Shannen Pilling

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