Friday 15 January 2010


The term genre is a French word for 'type' or 'kind'. This refers to the natural objects like plants and animals which add to the genre of a film. Genre is the 'theme' of a film and the pleasure that it brings to the viewing audiencesis, the genre is the main 'flow' of a movie and tells the story from what type it is, for example, horror, sci-fi, comedy etc ....

Are films genre is horror- thriller themed. This genre creates displeasure for the viewer and scares them in to watching what happens to the characters throughout the film. Are movie is not based on 'gore' but a more psychological type of horror-thriller, this is so that are films genre can influence the viewers state of mind. A genre of a film especially in horror can be shown by visual aids (Mis-en-scene) which are within the scenes of are film and also by the storyline (Todrov) which helps to create a story which is realistic to this genre. The exsperience of the horror genre is to be able to show a disruption which is created by normally in horror, of something supernatural, or discumforting to us which intrudes are normal day to day lives.

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