Thursday 21 January 2010


In the horror genre the type of location is very important if its to make an impact on the audience. Referring back to the older horror films such as Frankenstein and Night of the living dead, these are based in haunted houses, castles and graveyards. The scenery plays a big part in all horror films. Along with the lighting and editing the scenery is of big use. The more frightening it looks the more scared the viewer is going to be.

The most common locations horror film makers use are obviously haunted houses, woods, graveyards, dungeons and castles. However over the years the horror genre has changed and along with it everything else, now the locations can be of any place such as cabins, caves, schools, normal houses, anything that looks creepy will do!

Within our film Psychosis, we used a series of locations in which we filmed. The first location we shot at was a local park, we decided to use this as a location in our original idea but in the final piece we only used it for a few shots. We shot the film early on a muggy day, but these shots were in black and white to symbolise the past.
We also used a few locations in our school, we used the drama room for the frontal shots showing some of the characters symptoms of psychosis. We then decided to shoot the rest in a nearby disabled toilets as we thought using the mirror to show the rest of the symptoms of psychosis would give it an affect.
We used the drama room because the props available there were necessary for our film, we used the large black stage boards to make the shots look dark without turning off all the lights. The disabled toilet was used because of the mirror which was a necessity to our film, we also used it because we thought showing the characters reflection would make it different to all the other angles we used, to make it look more appealing and show we used many types of shots and angles when making our film.

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