Thursday 21 January 2010

Ideas for Poster

Now our film is complete, we thought it would be good to do a poster for our film. I have researched many posters and i think my favourite would be The Number 23 which is a mystery thriller starring Jim Carrey. It is about a normal middle aged man who becomes obsessed with the number 23 after reading a book about a man who becomes to realise that all the things in his life make up the number 23, Jim Carrey then starts to numerate everything and realises it too. Although it being confusing it is above all a good film.
In a way i think it is similar to our film, as they are both about people who struggle with their sanity.
I love the way the poster has been set out, the big enlargement of Jim Carrey's face with the numbers 23 written all over, this tells the audience that this is the main character and can tell by the expression and drawings on his face that he has some sort of obsession or is insane.

I would most likely use this as layout for our poster, the large picture of the main characters face explains a lot to the audience. I also like the way the title is set out, the white font on the dark background sets it off, the 23 is bold and bright so it makes it more appealing.

Another poster that i liked was the Blair Witch Project poster, i love that they show the woods (which was where the main scenes were shot) in the top half of the poster and then show the face of one of the filmmakers faces on the bottom half.
The text used is also very appealing as it basically tells you what the film is about without giving to much away. With the icon for the Blair Witch above. Using text in posters is a good way to catch and encourage the audience.
This film is basically about three American amateur filmmakers shooting a documentary to prove the myth of the Blair Witch is real. It is shot in handheld view, but shows some scenes the way a normal film is shot.
While investigating the whereabouts of the Blair Witch one teen goes missing, the others being distressed and scared for their friend make a shocking discovery. It is overall a good film although very scary.

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