Tuesday 19 January 2010

Todrov- structure of narrative 'In Bruges'

I have chosen to write about in Bruges as it relates well to are short film Psychosis. In Bruges is not a horror but like are film is more of a thriller, and does also have some gore and mentally engages the audience.

Todrovs structure of narrative is the visual explanation of media structure and storyline. This 'stucture of narrative' is used mainly in film, to explain the main aspects of the storyline, but this can also be used in news stories.

In Bruges is a dark comedy, about two hit men and the complications between the relationships within this harsh job. The beginning of the 'Todrov' of this film will be the two hit men and 'the boss'. These are two main components which make the 'initial equilibrium' or the two sides within the film.

This then leads to the 'disruption'; when the two components come together and make 'friction' within the story. This is when 'the boss' and the hit men meet and the problems occur creating a 'quest' which makes the main strand of the film. The 'quest' of the 'Todrov' makes up the biggest part of any film and leads the disruption to a 'Final or new equilibrium'. This new equilibrium shows how the two main 'componants' of the film come together to bring the film or story to a stop; for this makes the final equilibrium and ends the structure of the narrative for this film. Diffrent genres of film have diffrent structures; a well known one being the 'good' and the 'bad', fight against each other (disruption), and the 'good' prevail (New equilibrium).

Shannen Pilling

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